Making Smart Choices in Relationships

Teen Relationship Statistics

Our Purpose
10 Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship
Healthy Relationship Questionnaire
Teen Relationship Statistics
Violent and Non Violent Relationships



Most very young teens have not had intercourse: 8 in 10 girls and 7 in 10 boys are sexually inexperienced at age 15.

• The likelihood of teenagers' having intercourse increases steadily with age; however, about 1 in 5 young people do not have intercourse while teenagers.

• Most young people begin having sex in their mid-to-late teens, about 8 years before they marry; more than half of 17-year-olds have had intercourse.

• While 93% of teenage women report that their first intercourse was voluntary, one-quarter of these young women report that it was unwanted.

• The younger women are when they first have intercourse, the more likely they are to have had unwanted or nonvoluntary first sex--7 in 10 of those who had sex before age 13, for example.

• Nearly two-thirds (64%) of sexually active 15-17-year-old women have partners who are within two years of their age; 29% have sexual partners who are 3-5 years older, and 7% have partners who are six or more years older.

• Most sexually active young men have female partners close to their age: 76% of the partners of 19-year-old men are either 17 (33%) or 18 (43%); 13% are 16, and 11% are aged 13-15.

Sex is rare among very young teenagers, but common in the later teenage years.40
% who have had sexual intercourse at different ages, 1995
chart 1

Sources: 1995 National Survey of Family Growth and 1995 National Survey of Adolescent Males.

Source: Guttmacher Insititute - 

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